Incisionless Single Site Hysterectomy

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Many women undergo hysterectomies every year to remove part or all of their reproductive organs. The reasons vary from uterine fibroids, endometriosis, uterine prolapse, and other disorders. There are many different ways of performing a hysterectomy, although more women than ever are undergoing minimally invasive operations, such as the revolutionary new incisionless single-site hysterectomies. These procedures are robotically assisted for greater precision. A single 2-centimeter incision is made in the bellybutton, through which the entire uterus is removed in sections. Patients awaken to a shorter recovery time, less pain, and a lower risk of post-surgical complications.

Did you know…

that hysterectomy is the second most commonly performed operation among women of reproductive age? As the number of incisionless hysterectomies go up, the number of traditional inpatient procedures have been quickly going down. In fact, the rate of inpatient hysterectomies in the U.S. was just 3.3 women per 10,000 in 2008 compared with 4.6 per 10,000 in 2002.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a candidate for incision-less single site hysterectomy?

Only your doctor can tell you if incision-less bellybutton hysterectomy is for you. However, you may qualify if you have an indication for hysterectomy and are interested in making a faster recovery. For more information about this procedure, contact our office to schedule a consultation.

What should I expect during a minimally invasive hysterectomy procedure?

Incision-less hysterectomies are typically performed in a hospital while patients are under general anesthesia. You will be asleep for the procedure, during which time a small incision will be made into your abdomen through your bellybutton. Your surgeon will insert a scope that reveals the surgical site in great detail. The robotic system is controlled by your surgeon at all times. Your doctor will remove the uterus in sections and then stitch the incision site.

What is the recovery like following this operation?

Recovery after minimally invasive hysterectomy is far less complicated than traditional surgical hysterectomies. Most women can go home the same day as their procedures, making a near-complete recovery in just days instead of weeks. Because the incision site is so small, there is very little risk of infection or other complications following the operation.


American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: 2011 Women’s Health Stats and Facts

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